Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church

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Worship Advisory Commission

Aware that Liturgical Worship is the central ministry of the parish community from which all other activities of the parish flow, the Worship Commission serves as a consultative body to the Pastoral Associate for Worship and the Clergy regarding seasonal Liturgies, Liturgical Ministries, and the Liturgical Education of parishioners. Using the documents and guidelines of the Church, the Commission regularly evaluates our celebration of the Mass and various other prayer opportunities while exploring avenues in which to actively engage our parishioners in those celebrations through ministry and education.


Membership consists of At-Large Members, Ministry Coordinators, Parish Clergy, and the Pastoral Associate. Members serve an initial 3 year commitment with the opportunity to renew.


The Commission meets the first Tuesday of September, November, January, March, and May.


For more information, contact Marilyn Cozzi
Staff Liaison: Michael Johnson 
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Linen Care
This ministry is responsible for laundering the linen and towels used for our liturgies, approximately every 6-8 weeks only. There are no meetings involved.  Contact Jeanne Crossman 513.232.2256.
Altar Servers
Servers assist the presider and deacon at the Lord's Table for all Eucharist and other liturgies.
Contact: Heather Walsh
Art & Environment
Art and Environment is responsible for providing a beautiful and prayerful seasonal environment in Church to enhance and enrich our celebrations of faith throughout the liturgical year.  Contact the Parish Office to help.
Bereavement Ministry
Contact: Jayne Simms
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion To Care Facilities
A privileged opportunity for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to bring Jesus Christ embodied in the Eucharist and in themselves to other Catholics in retirement homes or nursing care facilities through individual or group Communion Services.
New England Club: Cathy Beumer
The Anderson: JoAnn Best, 513.474.5082
SEM: Jim Frey 
Asbury Woods: Pat Riehle 
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion To The Homebound
Through this compassionate ministry, we respectfully bring the Holy Eucharist to those who are ill or temporarily incapacitated and confined to their home. The frequency and duration of this ministry is determined by the individual needs of the homebound person. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion need to be good listeners, friendly, willing to spend a little time and flexible. 
Contact: Marge Gutekunst

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Masses

Contact: Nancy Kleespies

Hospitality Ministers
Hospitality ministers welcome and assist all parishioners as they attend our weekend and holy day Masses. Members direct parishioners to available seats and assist the elderly or those with disabilities to appropriate seating and to Communion during Mass. Hospitality ministers lend a hand with the collection at the preparation of the gifts, facilitate the distribution patterns at the time of communion, and help distribute bulletins after Mass. 
Contact:  Mickey Ritze
The ministry of lector involves the duty and privilege of bringing to life the scriptures at liturgy. Lectors proclaim the word of God to the community so that all may more meaningfully share in the Eucharistic celebration. Lectors give voice to God's healing, strengthening and promise-filled Word, aiding all of us to be moved closer to Him and bring greater glory to His name. 
Contact: Deacon Graham Galloway
Mass Coordinators
Mass Coordinators work closely with the priests and deacons and coordinate all aspects of our liturgical celebrations.  They set up the sanctuary, organize communion stations, confirm lector and server assignments in preparation for the celebration of the liturgy and assist with countless other tasks to ensure that our worship and prayer is the best possible. They are assigned to every Mass or worship service at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish.
Contact: Joy Roose 
Music Ministry

Music is an integral and vibrant part of our worship together at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Through vocal and instrumental music, our desire is to enhance the prayer of and lead the gathered assembly into a deeper faith experience. Through our commitment to ministry, we express our gratitude for all that God has given us.
Contact: Dave Auxier

Votive Candles
This ministry helps with the replacement and cleaning of the votive candles in Church.
Contact: Marty Walker, 513-673-8448
Wedding Mass Coordinators
Wedding Coordinators work closely with the priests and deacons, conduct ceremony rehearsals, and assist the engaged couple in coordinating the details for their wedding liturgy.
Contact: Janice Wiles