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Thanks and blessing for all who continue to witness at the abortion clinic on Auburn and who have the courage to speak up for those whose voices will be forever silenced and whose lives will be snuffed out on this earth.
Healthy Moms and Babes http://www.healthymomsandbabes.org/
A Caring Place https://www.acaringplace.org/
Pregnancy Center Plus https://pcplus.org
MATER FILIUS https://www.mfqc.org Catholic Telegraph article https://www.thecatholictelegraph.com/mater-filius-new-respect-life-ministry-goes-the-extra-mile-to-help-expectant-moms-in-crisis-pregnancies-with-housing-job-training-education-workshops-and-emotional-support/68144
ST. Su Casa Outreach
Resources for Post-Abortion Healing
Her Choice to Heal Online Abortion Recovery Program
January March for Life in Washington, D. C. (Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, Jan. 22, 1973, decision by SCOTUS legalizing abortion during all 9 months of pregnancy). Prayer Service; Respect Life hospitality for Youth Group Bus pilgrimage to Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the March. Students may travel with Archdiocese buses. MARCH FOR LIFE STUDENT BUS TRIP AND PRAYER SEND OFF to WASHINGTON, D.C
February - SAVE THE DATE – Please join us at the kickoff to the prayer campaign. The date for 2023 will be provided when it's available. We plan to begin the hour at Holy Name Church, 2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219, and process to Planned Parenthood (2 blocks away) for prayer.
Spring 40 Days for Life (from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization! Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers to help end the injustice of abortion in their local communities. With God’s help, through 26 campaigns; in over 950 cities around the world; 20,689 babies have been saved; 229 abortion workers have converted and 114 abortion centers have closed. “We Will Help You” signs are in the Fatima Room under the counter and should be passed along to the vigil-keepers from IHM in the hour after yours and returned to church after the last vigil hour. You can sign up to pray at any time through this link: https://www.40daysforlife.com/Cincinnati
April - Calling all parishioners! The Heartbeats for Life 5K Run/Walk is again taking place on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at 10 A.M. at Lunken Playfield, 262 Wilmer Avenue, and will include a Family Fun Run. This benefits one of our main supported Pro-Life information and advocacy organizations, Cincinnati Right to Life. In person sign up is the day of the race at 8:30 a.m. CRTL will have food trucks on site. Sponsored by Life Runners & Cincinnati Right to Life. Contact Jane Elfers
The Respect Life Committee is working on baskets for the 5K Heartbeats for Life being held on Saturday, April 26 that Lunken Airport playfield.We would love to have your help. Here's some suggestions or ideas on how you can help.
- Create your own basket and get it to Jane or Marge by Saturday, April 6th
- Purchase some items (gift cards, food, wine ,etc. to add to the baskets I'm creating)
- Give a monetary donation for items needed for the baskets.
Here are some of the baskets we are creating.
- Raggedy Ann & Andy kids basket - need books, blanket, other toys
- Gardening basket - need gift card for a florist or garden store, Home Depot, or Lowes.
- Summertime fun, need summer plates or cups to go along with the flamingo beverage dispenser, beech towel, visor etc.
- Christmas basket - cookie baking items grocery store gift cards, etc
- barbeque basket - need food store coupons, BBQ tools, etc
- Having fun around Cincinati - need restaurant gift cards, or places of interest gift cards
- Nature basket - need day pass to Cincinnati Nature center or Hamilton County Pass
- Wine lovers basket - need wine or chocolate
Please email or call me 513-218-7602 if you need more specifics
May Mothers’ Day Baby Bottles Bottles filled with coins (distributed weeks prior) and baby items are collected for one of our crisis pregnancy centers. We help gather and securely store the coin bottles, while baby items are placed in the wooden carts. The collection will take place on Mothers Day weekend 2025. Contact: Jane Elfers
June Cross the Bridge for Life Held at Newport Festival Grounds along the river on June 7. This is a peaceful, family-friendly, pro-life stroll across the Purple People Bridge, led by Hibernian bagpipers, Knights of Columbus, clergy, seminarians and pro-life leaders and friends. There will be face-painting, food trucks, and Easter Rising playing throughout the event. https://cincinnatirighttolife.org/2022-cross-bridge-life
CEMETERY OF THE INNOCENTS - October 5 -18: In 2009, there were 4,200 surgical abortions per day in the U.S., but that number has been declining. The most recent statistic is that there are now 2,300 abortions in the U.S., though, in addition to that, there are thousands of chemical abortions in the U. S. daily. Contact: Paul Dadosky
IHM DAY SCHOOL Students help with Lamb Layettes, Baby Prayer Blankets (2022) and Cemetery of the Innocents cross removal. They write blessing notes to the first-time moms in a crisis pregnancy. They pray over the Lamb Layettes. Alternate years they assemble prayer blankets for the layettes.
Fall 40 Days for Life Prayer and Fasting Vigil - October 12
OCTOBER 12 - Our church covers 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Planned Parenthood, 2314 Auburn Ave. on October 7 for our DAY ONE of the 40 Days for Life Vigil at Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic. We have saved over 18,800 babies we know of by these vigils. Abortion workers report 75% cancellations of appointments when people are out in front praying. Sign ups are available in the back of church for you to sign up for a committed hour of silent or quiet rosary prayer for moms and babies at risk of abortion.
We invite IHM parishioners to offer one hour of public prayer at the clinic on that day.
We also ask you to select a DAY TWO of your own choosing and sign up with that date and time in the back of church.
Pro-Life Mass at Holy Name Church followed by benediction, rosary procession past Planned Parenthood and adoration. These same Pro-Life Masses are offered there all year long, every Saturday at 8 a.m.
NOV. 5 END 40 DFL at 7 PM with CLOSING RALLY at 3 PM
Life's Fifth Quarter Holy Name Church Pro-Life Mass Every month that has a fifth Saturday, please join our archdiocese youth for this pro-life liturgy!
Please sign up for our activities by emailing Paul Dadosky
Stay tuned to join our community or explore more information and resources through Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/respectlifeparish
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Respect Life Website
Are you a pregnant woman in need of a safe and supportive place to stay? Are you going through a crisis pregnancy and looking for a nurturing home environment?
Mater Filius Queen City is a Catholic apostolate created to help pregnant women in Cincinnati and surrounding areas who find themselves without support. Inside the home of Mater Filius, women find the basic needs of life: shelter, food, clothes, safety, support, hope, and peace.
Our home assists women and their babies during pregnancy, childbirth, and the subsequent months after childbirth. We can help guide you towards a positive path in your life journey.
We provide more than shelter and food. We provide the ability to rise above devastating, negative elements and achieve job-readiness and self-sustainability.
In our newest EDIFY episode, Bishop Strickland explains simply and clearly why the sanctity of life IS the pre-eminent issue of our time.