Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church

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We joyfully celebrate the exciting new life that you are bringing into the family of God (the church) through Baptism! We invite parents or expectant parents to share the beauty and wonder of your child by calling Peggy in the Faith Formation Office at 513-388-4093 or email at [email protected] to register your child for the sacrament of Baptism. If this is your first child to be baptized or if it has been many years since your last child’s baptism, you will need to prepare yourself for the continuing responsibility of raising your child as a Catholic. Please contact Peggy for information on the upcoming Pre-Baptism Classes or other options.

Baptism is an essential sacrament and the door to all the other sacraments! In Baptism, your child will have all sins washed away (original sin), and the Holy Spirit will take up residence in your child’s soul, making your child a new creature: a Child of God, a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, and a member of the Church! Church is a home for your family! It is the family of God where relationships with God and others are formed and nurtured.

Notably, when we baptize infants in the Catholic tradition, the pouring of water is followed by an anointing with oil. When we anoint with oil a Sacred Chrism is used, prefiguring Confirmation, to anoint the child “priest, prophet, and king.” By water we are reborn into the life of Christ and ‘divinized’ so to speak. By sacred oil we are anointed into the mission of Christ.

Each Christian is “priest”—called to pray for and offer sacrifice generously for the world.

Each Christian is “prophet”—called to speak God’s truth into the world courageously by word and action.

Each Christian is “king”—called to care for the needs of the people compassionately like Christ the Good Shepherd. These baptismal vocations belong to all the baptized. We are to be God’s hands in the vineyard, working with Christ to bring about the Kingdom on Earth.


If you would like more information about Baptism, visit our parish FORMED page and visit REBORN. Our FORMED online community features content and vibrant, faith-based discussions.

This is an exciting and beautiful time for your family, and we at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish look forward to being part of the faith journey with you and your child. Please don't hesitate to contact Peggy for any questions.