We have a twinning covenant with two twinning partners, Our Lady of the Mountains (OLM), Stanton, KY and Cultural Center of Batahola Norte (CCBN), Managua, Nicaragua. The purpose of our relationship is for the mutual benefit and support of both communities. Each community will learn from each other, pray for each other, share resources, and strengthen our kinship in Christ.
Our Lady of the Mountains (OLM) is a very small parish in Stanton, Ky that does big outreach into Powell County where they are situated. IHM supports them with their outreach by helping with the sock and underwear collection for needy school children, Thanksgiving Dinner for senior citizens, Christmas dinner for families who need help, stocking their food pantry for those who knock on their door hungry and clothing and household items when they ask. We offer support by attending their monthly Mom's in the Morning meetings. Together we join together in prayer and support to bring God’s love to others. The purpose of our relationship is for the mutual benefit and support of both parishes. Each parish will learn from each other, pray for each other, share resources, and strengthen our kinship in Christ.
The people of Our Lady of the Mountains and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishes ask the blessing of Almighty God upon this mutual endeavor. We pray that our partnership will increase our love for Jesus Christ and one another. Contact: Shirley Suter.
In January 2000 IHM and Cultural Center of Batahola Norte (CCBN) began their twinning relationship. Fr. Jan Schmidt, Sr. Margie Navarro, CSJ, and members of both communities signed a covenant that continues to this day. Since that time, 300 individuals from the Cincinnati area have visited CCBN and 17 individuals from CCBN have visited our parish. The annual immersion trip is now a joint project with IHM and McNicholas H.S.
Our relationship continues to flourish. The Twinning Committee is chaired by Sue Keefe. The Center continues its mission of education and transforming society into the Kingdom of God. Immaculate Heart of Mary works with Friends of Batahola, an organization formed after Sr. Margie’s death. www.centrobatahola.org (Espanol) or www.friendsofbatahola.org (English).
Fundraising for our Twinning Communities each April in Heritage Hall.
Contact: Jane Phelan
How has twinning affected our community at home?
Our immersion trip students have gone on to study in Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ghana, Japan, and China. They have studied a fourth year of Spanish, and majored in Spanish and international business in college. They minored in Third World Peace Studies and are studying premedicine. Immersion in another culture has increased their knowledge of the world and seeing the face of Christ each day has increased their faith. Mission came alive.
Our adults who have participated in our mission trips have begun Project Education, organized a calendar of faces from Nicaragua, and have become more active in social justice issues. As a parish, we are all richer in our faith because we have met our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua through visits, stories, photographs, and videos. We are working together with our family at Cultural Center of Batahola Norte.