Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church

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Special Collections

Socks 'n Such - January 30th and 31st
Socks, underwear, undershirts/cami's and most recently blankets are collected for Our Lady of the Mountains, Shelter House for Men, And Mary Magdalen House.  The collection takes place the last weekend in January to help our fellow people with some most basic needs.

There are 3 options for participating:

1.  Send a needed item directly to the agency through the on-line gift registries (click below):

Our Lady of the Mountains

Mary Magdalene House

Shelter House for Men

2. Cash donations to IHM earmarked for Socks and Such.  The committee will 

   shop for you and deliver donations.  Or you can make a financial donation through our website by clicking here. 

3. Bins will be placed outside of IHM Church before Masses on collection weekend,   Jan. 30 & 31, 2021 to collect donations. Specific needs are the following:

- Boy’s briefs - sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

- Boy’s tee shirts-small, medium, large, and extra large

- Girl’s sports bras - small, medium, large & extra large

- Little girl’s camisoles and tees - sizes 6, 8, and 10

- Girl’s panties - all sizes ( bikini cut and hipster cut)

- Women’s panties - SM, M, L, XL 

- Men’s briefs - medium, large, and extra large to 3x

- Men’s tee shirts - medium, large, extra large to 3x

- Men’s winter gloves

- Men’s winter coats - new or gently used -medium through 3x

- Men’s winter scarves

- Men’s skull caps (winter knit caps)

- Men’s thermal and crew socks

Your generosity, kindness, and compassion in this Corporal Work of Mercy have been amazing.  Whatever you can do to help is greatly appreciated.  If you have questions, please contact Susan Staub - 232-9003 or [email protected].

Phone: 513-232-9003
CRS Rice Bowl
During Lent, our community participates in CRS Rice Bowl, a faith-in-action program that invites us to reflect on the challenges of global hunger - and our responsibility to respond to the needs of our global human family.  We will collect your CRS Rice Bowl at the end of Lent
Contact: Jenni Moyer
Mother's Day Baby Shower
This project is a special collection, during May, of maternity clothing and baby layette items for the Healthy Moms & Babes, Pregnancy Center East, San Carlos Borromeo, and A Caring Place ministries. These organizations offer support and help so pregnant women can carry their babies to term. This collection has grown significantly over the past few years but there is a great need in the Cincinnati area for baby and maternity items. Please be a generous steward and reach out to these women and their newborns. In addition to the collection each year, we also give out Baby Bottles that are returned with cash donations. The Baby Bottles donations are rotated among A Caring Place, Healthy Moms and Babes and Pregnancy Center East.
Contact: Susan Scheidler

Christmas In July
A special collection for agencies who provide shelter and food for the needy. The items collected are those needed to maintain shelter operations and to assist families moving from the shelter to private housing. We need volunteers to make gift tags, sort and deliver items to agencies.
Contact: Lori Rehl
School House Collection
The School House Collection is to encourage parishioners to help share in the education of underprivileged children by providing needed school supplies. The collection is held in August and items are sent to Welcome House in Covington and St. Leo’s Church Pantry in Fairmont. The children that receive the school supplies are so excited and appreciative.
Contact: Ginny Backscheider

Coat Collection
In October, men's, women's and children's coats are collected for distribution to St. Leo’s Food Pantry.
Purchase coats here! 
Contact: Mike Suter, 606-782-0844

Giving Tree
This is an Advent project of providing Christmas gifts and assistance to various community agencies and parish and area families in need.
Contact: Vikki Dekker, 513-474-2947
Food From The Heart
Food from the Heart provides food to SEM, the local food pantry. Donations are collected the third weekend of the month (Saturday and Sunday Masses) and then distributed on Monday. The people we serve are very grateful and depend on our parish's support.
Contact: Sherrie Heyse
Coin Collection
Loose coins from all weekend offertory collections are deposited to the Coin Collection to be distributed to various community agencies that provide the basic human requirements for those in need of assistance, such as food and shelter. Simply set aside the coins you receive back in change, each day, then gather them up and drop them into the basket at a weekend Mass. Checks are accepted as well for the collection.
Contact: Judy O'Brien, 513-474-1313